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Ready Simanim Plate | Rosh Hashanah


Celebrate Rosh Hashanah with our Ready Simanim Plate | Rosh Hashanah. This plate is filled with symbolic foods to elevate your table and strengthen your spiritual ties. Ready-to-eat and kosher-certified, this selection includes all the essential Simanim for a joyful and meaningful holiday meal.

This Ready Simanim Plate features symbolic foods, each representing different prayers and blessings for the year ahead:

  • Fish Head – Symbolizing the wish to “be like the head and not the tail,” for leadership and moving forward.
  • Carrot Sticks – Representing the hope for increased blessings.
  • Black-Eyed Peas – A sign of abundance and growth.
  • Dates – Symbolizing sweetness and the wish to consume goodness in the coming year.
  • Pomegranate Seeds – Representing the hope for a year filled with as many merits as the seeds of the fruit.
  • Apple Slices – Often eaten with honey (as included in the packet) to symbolize the wish for a sweet new year.
  • Leeks – Symbolizing the hope that enemies or obstacles will be cut away.

Whether for personal use or as a gift to friends and family, they add a beautiful touch to the High Holidays, making the New Year prayers even more heartfelt.

Make your Rosh Hashanah meal more meaningful with our ready-to-serve Ready Simanim Plate | Rosh Hashanah Order now and bring the joy of this cherished tradition directly to your table.

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We are now closed for Shabbat
and will re-open Saturday at 8.45pm